Saturday, 15 January 2022

Harassment-Its impact on the victim ..!!!!


What is harassment? How it will affect the mental health of the individuals?

Basically harassment is an unwanted behavior which we find offensive and the behavior that make us feel embarrass. The law define the harassment as an unlawful act which is stalking, assault etc.

Harassment have extremely bad impact on our mental and physical health. Harassment increase the risk of anxiety in the person. It also cause the depression.It can increase the stress disorder in the individuals. Harassment can affect the someone from simple irritation to the extreme depression which is not good for the mental health.

Is harassment is associated with the depressive symptoms?

In some way the harassment is associated with the depressive symptoms they don’t want to leave the job due the economic condition so they face depressive symptoms this thing leads to the depression over the time. The victim who faces the harassment face the long term mental health issues.

Harassment usually spot at the work place in the different forms here is the some types of the harassment.

Types of harassment

·         Verbal/written

·         Physical

·         Visual

Verbal/written harassment:-

Verbal or written harassment is very common we causaly say offensive words in the gathering which we might think its okay but that is not okay someone might get embarrass and it will impact the mental health of the person so we do not take our words for granted we must use the appropriate words. Make fun of someone disability is bad and also copy someone accent is also include in the harassment.

Physical harassment:-

Physical harassment is difficult to analyze because these are very fine drawn. It include the unwanted touch from the person and person stay close to someone intended .Physical harassment can also cause by the same gender not only from the opposite gender.

Visual harassment:-

Visual harassment is the most difficult one to spot because it include the technology like someone share the content which is not good and that thing offend you it is not good for the mental health.

It is not necessary that the harassment can only done in the public it can also be done  with in the family member in different types like if someone say the offensive thing and one of the family member does not like it can also include in the harassment and it will affect the mental health of the person.

Harassment and bully system in schools

Harassment and bullying in schools or in any educational institutes is unlawful in the UK under the act 2010. In school or universities may some student spreads rumors about the specific student to get revenge or degrade them it will cause the deep impact on the student mental health that leads to the depression and cause the mental illness in worst case the student may try to attempt the suicide and his or her life to stop these things.

There are two types of bullying one is direct and the other is indirect in educational system it is very common. There are many studies that tell us the suicide rate of the students is increase because of the harassment and the bullying system in the education which is very bad educational institute students try to stay strong and fight with these things but at the end of the day they give up and attempt the suicide to overcome all of these misery.

In Korean educational system there are many cases the high class students can easily bully the low class student no one is able to stop them and if some try to help the victim that person also start get bully by those high class students which leave the very bad impression on their mental health.

It is not easy to deal with the harassment only few people are able to deal with it and those who have very strong mental health those that can deal with their feeling and those who are not bothered by these things which leads them in to mental illness.