Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Does Mental Health Really Matters ?

Heath Health Matters
The term MENTAL HEALTH is a broad term that encompasses a person's physical, financial, and social well-being. Subjective well-being is another term in mental health.

self-efficacy as seen by others Autonomy, competence, and recognition of one's intellectual and emotional capacity. Individuals with this potential are able to manage with the typical stresses of life, work, and school, among other things, while still contributing to society. Mental health and mental illness, in my opinion, are mutually exclusive. When a healthy person is put under strain by society, such as by a heavy task, a lack of financial resources, mental stress, physical trauma, or gender discrimination, their normal life pattern is disrupted. 

Such illness could be in a variety of ways, it could be depression. anxiety, overthinking, self-doubt. seeking pleasure in giving pain. jealousy, agony, self-pity. superiority complex and inferiority complex, etc. All of these can eventually end up in irreplaceable psychological disorders. In most parts of the world including Pakistan, mental health is not taken seriously and mental illness is not important to people. because of this consistent ignorance today about 450 million people suffer from mental or behavioral disorders in the world according to WHO record. 50 million people are affected in Pakistan only. Among this ratio, females are affected at the rate of 11.9% than that of males are 9.3%. This is because females are exposed to more sexual violence. gender discrimination, body shaming, racism, domestic abuse, honor killings, social anxiety, fear of facing people. lack of confidence, and many others things. It is said that an educated woman creates an educated generation. But consider an uneducated, depressed, and socially unwell woman is said to create a generation, how will she create a healthy adult? It will be impossible for her to create a difference because she is unstable in her own self. She will not be able to lead a healthy house. Due to these reasons, it is believed to take care of women not only during her trimester but also after Child's birth. 

"Adolescent mental health is highly complex and understudied. In east side Europe and Central side of Asia. suicide is the leading cause of death for young people. With these absurdly increasing statistics of mental illness, the world is now highlighting this issue on different media platforms. Many psychologists and doctors share awareness of TV programs. seminars both live and virtual, through blogs, etc. The main aim is to provide a better understanding of how a person should cope with these issues before they develop serious disorders.

Turning my views towards the top-notch celebrities who we think have big homes, bigger bank accounts, fancy cars, and oodles of fans. we think celebrities have it all. we believe in what we see on TV, but reality has a different story a dark side to tell. A celebrity in this world might have everything but cannot have control over his own mind and disabilities. No amount of money can bring peace and a healthy mind.

Many of today's biggest performers are opening up about their struggles with mental illness. Their bravery in speaking openly about their illnesses raised healthy awareness of modern treatments and the value of caring support. Here are a few well-known celebrities who suffered from mental illnesses: Demi Lovato, who struggled from social anxiety issues, and Chrissy Reign, who battled from postpartum depression. Steve Young suffers with social anxiety, while Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio has claimed to having OCP. All of these celebrities became the main sources of support for mentally ill people seeking help. Every year, from May 1 to May 31, there is a mental health awareness month. This month is observed in several places of the globe. "

The maintenance of a healthy mind requires different pathways for different people. Some seek help from medications, some from therapies, and some from simple group conversations. I believe. that there should be different awareness programs in schools. colleges. universities, and offices, etc. As for our individual self, we should also try to play a positive part by showing others respect and acceptance. by being nice to others by listening to what others have to say. By advocating within our circles. If we find a victim we should give him/her a helping hand instead of judging. This activity will help to build a healthy relationship with others and eventually a healthy environment.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

How GEN-Z Cope with Anxiety

How GEN-Z Cope with Anxiety 

"Mental Health Matters"
is the phrase that we are hearing a lot these days. Everyone is listening and understanding it but no one is actually focusing on this. According to a recent study, one out of every six teens is dealing with depression and anxiety but they even don't know that they are having such issues. When people are stressed, they experience anxiety, which is a natural sensation. When you're dealing with a lot of stress, it's natural to feel anxious. Unfortunately, some teenagers experience anxiety on a regular basis. Anxiety disorders are frequently diagnosed by doctors. But unfortunately, it's taboo in our society to share our mental health issues. People feel uncomfortable because they think people will deal with them with pity and consider them miserable which is actually a fact. 

Myths About Depression and Anxiety 

  • Here are common Myths about depression that depressed people have weak willpower. The fact is that in the stage of depression their willpower is engaged in the wrong direction but counseling sessions can help them to redirect their focus. 

  • Another common myth is depression in a sign of weak character while the fact is depression can hit anyone at any time. While some personality types are more prone to depression, the great majority of people who suffer from it have previously been healthy and led normal lives.

Causes of Anxiety and Depression in GEN-Z 

  • According to the majority of research, if one parent is naturally uneasy, their child will be anxious as well. Simultaneously, if a parent's fear is constantly expressed to their child, it exacerbates the child's natural sensitivity. There's a chance that a cycle of escalating unease will emerge. By the time he reaches adolescence, this child's regular way of sensing and reacting to his surroundings is tinged with worry. Children who are easily agitated or furious never learn to self-soothe, according to multiple research.
  • High parental and societal expectations are the most common and significant source of anxiety in teenagers. Some parents have unrealistic expectations for their children. Teenagers are unable to perform because they are plagued by excessive levels of worry. The failure to meet their expectations then leads to worry and melancholy.
  • Another source of depression in Generation Z is social media. The majority of teenagers are influenced by Instagram models. They wish to adopt their way of life, which is physically impossible for them. Because they need money to embrace their lifestyle. They begin to employ unethical methods in order to obtain money, which leads to despair.
  • Changes in hormones are another source of worry. While people go through hormonal changes throughout their lives, adolescence is the time when they go through the most. The bodies of teenagers are changing, and they are releasing more hormones. This process leads to a slew of issues, including the emergence of mental health illnesses like anxiety.
  • Hormonal variations can also cause anxiety. While everyone experiences hormonal shifts at some point in their lives, it is most common throughout adolescence. Teenagers' bodies are evolving, and they're producing more hormones. Anxiety is caused by a lack of understanding of these difficulties.
  • Peer pressure is another reason of sadness in Generation Z. Teenagers desire to fit in with their peers and coworkers. They want to be accepted, even if it means doing something they know is wrong. Peer pressure and the fear of doing something they know is wrong can produce anxiety.

GEN-Z Ways to Eliminate Depression. 

  • To eliminate depression and anxiety GEN-Z adopt artificial ways this process work in a sequence at the first stage they start smoking in the start they smoke occasionally when they get used to they start adopting it as a habit and they feel relieved because of nicotine.
  • When an episode of repeat with little higher intensity then they start using other drugs and get addicted to it which actually causes more depression in long run. 

The Actual Treatment.

Anxiety and depression can be treated perfectly by just giving some more attention to a person for this purpose  Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) play an important role in recognizing and understanding the anxiety-provoking thoughts and helping them to change things patterns. Basically, CBT contains psychoeducational that helps to change the thinking chronicle of the brain which lowers the anxiety index and makes them feel relaxed. If CBT doesn't work they must go for medical assistance ASAP