Showing posts with label Mood swings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mood swings. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Traffic and It's Impact on Mental Health!!

 Traffic and It's Impact on Mental Health

A lot of cars in a speed on road

Road traffic has always been a distraught start of the day for everyone. Although traffic has always been an unpleasant interaction on road since the invention of roads and cars but due to increasing population and use of vehicles has made traffic much more stressful. Production and consumption of vehicles worldwide has gone to approximately 92 million per year. Although infrastructure, road size, traffic rules and regulations have been improved according to the increased used of automobiles but still everyone face traffic issue.
Have you ever thought that how a traffic on road can effect your mental health immensely?
It is a human psyche that he can't wait for too long and when someone has to reach somewhere on time, road traffic becomes even more irritating.

An animation of a hot sunny day in which a person is getting angry due to heavy road traffic

But waiting in a long cue is not the only part of traffic but the pressure and stress of reaching on time, the horns around you creating noise pollution, the stress of getting out of that mess, the stress that someone behind you is waiting for you to get aside, and when the weather is not pleasant for you it also becomes a stress. And when you start your day with such kind of stress your day as a whole becomes a stress. Naturally you become irritated to everything around you, your mind be still in that traffic and getting confused, you can't work properly and there's no productivity left in your day.

Traumas on accidents leading to stress
A recent research mentioned in "International Journal on Environmental Research and Public Health" stated that road traffic indicates around 2 - 3% increase in depression risk.
Traffic noise and stress results in different behaviors and reactions of individual from different sources of traffic noise. Research has found that different kind of source of traffic noise has different effects on individual's mind for example some horns are more irritating than others causing more abrupt reactions of individuals. These reactions may lead to more stressful environment and becomes a reason for depression and anxiety and even road accidents are caused by such kind of chaos made in road traffic. Approximately 1.3 million people are met with accidents in road traffic.

A pictorial cycle showing how road accident can cause traumas for life in your mind

Accidents due to road traffic is another issue to discuss but the after affects due to road accidents are severe as it usually gives a lifetime trauma or depression to survivor or usually to the family of that individual. Also the road traffic accidents around 3 percent of GDP is lost due to Deaths and injuries. Nonfatal Road traffic accidents have different outcomes i.e., psychological suffering, Cognitive dysfunction, adjustment disorder, functional impairment, loss of quality of life. Most common disorders of accident survivors are Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, etc. These factors are usually ignored while taking care of physical injuries but they have to be looked upon as they can disrupt an individual's whole life quality.
These above are all the consequences of traffic and the chaos made due to traffic which can be minimized in various ways.

Cars on road and screen showing technology management of road traffic

Government and traffic Rules, policies, projects on development (like providing quality and safe road infrastructure, strict punishments on violations on rules, training traffic police more, spreading awareness, using advance systems to over look and regulate traffic, providing quick services on any emergency on road causing traffic to reduce it) play an important role in controlling not only the irregularity in roads but might also help in controlling the consequences of this traffic in shape of depression and anxiety.
Besides the traffic police and government it is our duty as a good citizen to take care of the policies, behave patiently and spread awareness to others to follow the rules to reduce the factors creating traffic like over speeding, distracted driving etc.
Another initiative we can take is that we should minimize the access use of automobiles on road. If it is not necessary don't use a four seater car for one person you can use a public transport or can ask for friends to give you a ride if they are going the same place.
Also as a student or worker when you have a day to day routine of going somewhere instead of going alone per vehicle you should avail for a company, University or School bus to reduce traffic or at least you should be getting out of your home at least 20 to 30 minutes prior to your required time as it will reduce the stress of being late.
We should spread awareness on this and motivate others to do the same. It will reduce the traffic on the road, lesser will be the chaos and noise pollution and lesser will be the risk of depression.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

ADHD-What is ADHD? Is it an excuse? How is it misunderstood?

 What is ADHD?

ADHD (Anttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Have you ever come across a person who is immensely intelligent but looks so lazy, Someone who has so much potential to do something but they can't focus and they are lazy? Majority of parents and guardians just scold the children who can't sit still, can't focus, fidgets a lot or forget lots of things, but they don't have the proper knowledge that these are basically the symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
A woman trying to teach a kid who is playing with a fidget spinner
Mostly people think that if their child/kid is being lazy and not good at focusing or is not being able to sit for a while they leave it to them considering it there playfulness, laziness or just being irresponsible. They will leave them be and think that they will be fine when they grow up. This is a huge misconception that people with ADHD will be fine when they will grow up. But in fact, those children with ADHD will grow up with it, the symptoms, the disorder won't disappear in future but will be more tough to treat.
If anyone, a child or an adult, shows such symptoms they should immediately be treated medically. Imagine a person suffering from this disorder is only being criticized or blamed for there behavior when they didn't even do anything and they don't even know what to do with it? How to live with it? Their mental health is shattered in struggle to cover up and live with it. Having same IQ and intelligence of your fellows but not being able to perform to their full potential, how would they have felt?

Many adults with ADHD are unaware that they have it, they only know that they struggle with normal activities which their fellows can do easily. Adults with ADHD may struggle to focus and setting priorities, resulting in missed due dates and missed meetings or social commitments. The failure to control the situation can be very annoying such as while waiting in line or driving in traffic, mood swings and temper tantrums. They just can’t do simple activities with ease, because they feel angry or irritated with them. We have often seen children or teens throwing tantrums on simple things because they can’t help it so they feel angry. People with ADHD are impulsive, they don’t have self-control so they do many things on impulses.  

When ADHD is diagnosed it is treated by two methods. First, they treat it with medications. Second, they collect information from the patient’s parents or guardians and start behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy helps in reducing the medication and is very much effective in treatment. Mostly the symptoms start at childhood but if not treated they continue even in adults. Mostly adults with ADHD have one other mental health issue. Such are the effects of it are on one’s life. Many adults face trouble in building relationship because of ADHD. Their mood swings, frustrations and impulsiveness can cause a lot of harm for everyone they are related with, even their social circles get affected by it. 

It is a fact ADHD makes it difficult for a person to maintain his/her focus, but when it comes to mobile phones, video games, and televisions, however, the constant change of image, graphics, and games can captivate their attention. Their brain starts wanting the reward it receives when they're looking at a screen, making it difficult to pull themself away from it. It is also affecting their life as it makes them seem like someone who just don’t want to focus on their studies or work, when it is just an effect of ADHD.

ADHD can cause anxiety, sleep problems, panic attacks, impulsive buying, screen addiction, bad eating habits and chronic stress. When you have the disorder, your stress level is likely to be higher most of time. These problems can cause many troubles and create hindrances in one’s life. It may not have that much affect in their childhood but when they grow up with this problem it can affect not only their day-to-day activities but also professionally, they won’t be able to keep up the good work with these mood swings and frustrations. Also, impulsive buying can lead to a very bad financial condition and compulsive eating can harm their stomach and cause digestion problem.

There are many natural ways of treating ADHD too. For example, exercising, planning your sleep schedule and planning your meals, creating a routine, make goals for yourself, starve your distractions, having goals set for your life etc. While these are some natural remedies to treat ADHD but seeking medical help is necessary to treat it.