Showing posts with label Frustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frustration. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Screen usage-How it effects the mental health..!!!!!


Does the usage of screen really effect the mental health? How does screen usage really affect the mental health?

Everything have good or bad impact on us it’s depend on us how we utilize those thing take example of usage of the screen if we use it properly it will beneficial for us if we use in not productive way we will damage our self.

In the last two decades we have seen the digital technology bloom well that is also why we spend our most of time on the screen. Many studies shows that the more usage of the screen can cause the depression and mental health issues.

Usually kids and the adults now a days spend most of their time on the screen so that they are not able to do the physical activities and also they are not able to interact with their friends and the family face-to-face that thing lead to the reduction in the mental growth and increase the risk of depression.

Those who spend more than six hours on the screen and don’t do the physical activities they were distracted, less emotionally stable and also find difficulty to finish the task it also cause the obesity and different other types of the diseases in the children and the adults who spend more time on the screen.

Covid-19(Lock down) and screen usage

During the period of the lockdown the usage of the screen rapidly because everyone is at home and do their work from the home through different app and there is also many business which raise in the lockdown but again these are the online business which increase the screen time and the universities student take online classes and do their assignment on the laptop which increase the agitation level in the students and also that decrease the creativity level.

Many studies shows that in the lock down people are unable to interact with each other and they spend more time on screen that cause tension in the person and they are unable to focus on the work from home and their studies which leads to decrease in the quality result.

Does usage of screen low the self-esteem and increase the depression in the person?

The constant increase in the time on the screen develop the depression in the human being they spend more time on the social media in our opinion that we are connected with our family and friend but we are not connected we just replacing our real time relation with the screen. The use of mobile, tabs and the laptop is the sedentary time which leads to the depression in the person. This thing also effect the personal life because we are not able to give our time to our family.

We spent our more than half time on the social media while the screen usage on which we see many influencer and the celebrity which have the strong impact on us and we tart compare ourselves with them and try to copy them which leads to the low self-esteem you will feel discourage about that thing and the negative talk on the social media will also affect your mental health you may think poorly about yourself.

Effect on sleep

The usage of the screen have an impact on

 our sleep we watch our favorite shows

,drama and play games  before going to the

sleep that effect our quality of sleep and the duration

of the sleep which leads to the worsen the mental health condition that include the depression and anxiety etc. We can observe these things in the kids and in the teenager. We should not use the mobile at least 30 min before going to the bed in order to have a quality sleep.

Support your mental health rather than harm it by using the screen we should use it in mindful. Parents should limit the usage of the mobiles, tabs etc. They should engage their children in physical activities.

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Traffic and It's Impact on Mental Health!!

 Traffic and It's Impact on Mental Health

A lot of cars in a speed on road

Road traffic has always been a distraught start of the day for everyone. Although traffic has always been an unpleasant interaction on road since the invention of roads and cars but due to increasing population and use of vehicles has made traffic much more stressful. Production and consumption of vehicles worldwide has gone to approximately 92 million per year. Although infrastructure, road size, traffic rules and regulations have been improved according to the increased used of automobiles but still everyone face traffic issue.
Have you ever thought that how a traffic on road can effect your mental health immensely?
It is a human psyche that he can't wait for too long and when someone has to reach somewhere on time, road traffic becomes even more irritating.

An animation of a hot sunny day in which a person is getting angry due to heavy road traffic

But waiting in a long cue is not the only part of traffic but the pressure and stress of reaching on time, the horns around you creating noise pollution, the stress of getting out of that mess, the stress that someone behind you is waiting for you to get aside, and when the weather is not pleasant for you it also becomes a stress. And when you start your day with such kind of stress your day as a whole becomes a stress. Naturally you become irritated to everything around you, your mind be still in that traffic and getting confused, you can't work properly and there's no productivity left in your day.

Traumas on accidents leading to stress
A recent research mentioned in "International Journal on Environmental Research and Public Health" stated that road traffic indicates around 2 - 3% increase in depression risk.
Traffic noise and stress results in different behaviors and reactions of individual from different sources of traffic noise. Research has found that different kind of source of traffic noise has different effects on individual's mind for example some horns are more irritating than others causing more abrupt reactions of individuals. These reactions may lead to more stressful environment and becomes a reason for depression and anxiety and even road accidents are caused by such kind of chaos made in road traffic. Approximately 1.3 million people are met with accidents in road traffic.

A pictorial cycle showing how road accident can cause traumas for life in your mind

Accidents due to road traffic is another issue to discuss but the after affects due to road accidents are severe as it usually gives a lifetime trauma or depression to survivor or usually to the family of that individual. Also the road traffic accidents around 3 percent of GDP is lost due to Deaths and injuries. Nonfatal Road traffic accidents have different outcomes i.e., psychological suffering, Cognitive dysfunction, adjustment disorder, functional impairment, loss of quality of life. Most common disorders of accident survivors are Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, etc. These factors are usually ignored while taking care of physical injuries but they have to be looked upon as they can disrupt an individual's whole life quality.
These above are all the consequences of traffic and the chaos made due to traffic which can be minimized in various ways.

Cars on road and screen showing technology management of road traffic

Government and traffic Rules, policies, projects on development (like providing quality and safe road infrastructure, strict punishments on violations on rules, training traffic police more, spreading awareness, using advance systems to over look and regulate traffic, providing quick services on any emergency on road causing traffic to reduce it) play an important role in controlling not only the irregularity in roads but might also help in controlling the consequences of this traffic in shape of depression and anxiety.
Besides the traffic police and government it is our duty as a good citizen to take care of the policies, behave patiently and spread awareness to others to follow the rules to reduce the factors creating traffic like over speeding, distracted driving etc.
Another initiative we can take is that we should minimize the access use of automobiles on road. If it is not necessary don't use a four seater car for one person you can use a public transport or can ask for friends to give you a ride if they are going the same place.
Also as a student or worker when you have a day to day routine of going somewhere instead of going alone per vehicle you should avail for a company, University or School bus to reduce traffic or at least you should be getting out of your home at least 20 to 30 minutes prior to your required time as it will reduce the stress of being late.
We should spread awareness on this and motivate others to do the same. It will reduce the traffic on the road, lesser will be the chaos and noise pollution and lesser will be the risk of depression.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Students falling prey to mental health crises - Have you ever wondered what makes a student life so tough other than having pressure of study?

 Students falling prey to mental health crises - Have you ever wondered what makes a student’s life so tough other than having the pressure of study? The answer lies in poor mental health!

Student Mental Health

Effects of mental health on students

Mental health crises-gaining popularity day by day as more and more people are getting struck by it. Over the past few years, it can be seen that a significant portion of people suffering from mental health includes students. Students worldwide face a severe issue later recognized as symptoms of depression and anxiety that aids in their deteriorating health issues.

Mental health symptoms

Although symptoms may differ from every individual to another, some researchers have categorized some common symptoms into the following types:

  •       Physical well-being
  •       Emotional well-being
  •       Thinking well-being

Physical well-being 

It includes disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, and change in appetite as per routine.

Emotional well-being 

It refers to a sudden feeling of sadness (sometimes for no specific reason). The feeling of being overwhelmed, hopeless, and powerless.

Thinking well-being 

When an individual has trouble concentrating on things, feels overburdened over small tasks, and has difficulty completing assignments on time, displaying these symptoms means the individual has been going through some tough time, which is commonly known as depression, but sometimes students, mainly, find it difficult to express their feelings. Students, finding it hard to cope with university pressure tend to hide their feelings. This is because they fear getting embarrassed or standing out among other fellows.

Recognizing symptoms

It is just as important to figure out the symptoms to overcome them. It can be difficult at times, but some usual signs should be noticed if one wants to recognize the symptoms as symptoms of depression;

·      They aren’t doing the things they used to enjoy.

·      They don’t go to classes or social gatherings any longer.

·      They are experiencing great rage or grief due to a personal relationship.

·      Most things elicit a negative or apathetic response from them.

·      They frequently discuss death or suicide.

If any of these or any related symptoms are displayed in someone, it’s time you extend your help to them and help them to come out of the phase of depression.

University pressure contributing to mental illness

As can be seen, university pressure is getting the real thing from the past couple of years, and it seems to rise in coming years to even more. No one said student life is easy, but with time, university pressure is getting many students into depression as they cannot meet deadlines while handling their personal life all along. Universities have also put a significant burden on students’ shoulders as they expect them to attend long university hours and then meet short deadlines. When students cannot do so and consider this will affect their career goals, they are trapped by depression and feel hopeless and powerless. They start to believe that they will be unable to handle all this, and just that easily they are into depression which badly affects their mental health.

Additional issues

Students mental health

Personal issues further make things harder for students who are already facing challenges in creating and securing their careers. With that being said, it’s very often that personal issue also haunts students during their studies which further worsen their studies. It is a ubiquitous sight that students cannot focus on their studies and find it hard to concentrate on things. In such a situation, it is imperative to note that students need moral support for which people in their surroundings are expected to stay vigilant to extend help for their fellows.

What to do?

Self care

Once you know that you have been facing depression and getting affected by it, it is the right time to do something about it, but what to do? Well, you have recognized your symptoms and now have to take appropriate action, that is, to get help from experts. These experts are not always psychiatrists, but they can include ordinary people who have already been through the same situation once. Ask them how they got out of it and how everything worked for them. Take notes and work on your own self. It is equally important to make people aware of your condition, which surrounds you in day-to-day life, without fear of standing out.

It’s not easy to cope with such situations, mainly when you aim to build a career. However, it is not impossible to pull yourself out of such a situation and get help. Dealing with depression as an illness is just as important as it may sound.

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Obsession vs Addiction-How does it impact your mental health?


Obsession vs Addiction-How does it impact your mental health?


Obsession and addiction are two terms which are mostly confused with each other. If you ask someone what is the difference between two, they will always mix up these two terms. And majority of the people think that these two have similar meanings but in reality, they are two really different things. Let’s get into the meaning of these two terms.

a girl holding a clock and standing between several clocks
Obsession is basically when your mind gets filled up by something or someone. You tend to think around that object or person. You can’t seem to help but have thoughts about those certain things. Now it may seem like these thoughts are troubling someone’s mind but if we look deeper in it, people start living their life around these obsessions they have. And they may be tiring for them but it can’t be helped.

Brain is tired and holding shopping bags
In comparison, if we talk about addiction, addiction is some kind of escape our minds takes. A person tries different ways to go far away from the reality and becomes addicted to it. Because that person finds comfort in this escape. Not having to face the cruel reality can be a huge comfort but also too harmful for us because nonetheless we will have to face the reality in the end and that addiction will not let us face it. These addictions make a person weak because it makes us rely on something that is basically very bad for us.

Let’s assume that a person is not able to take his/her mind off from washing hands again and again. Even after washing hands for nth time, they still feel unhygienic and are not satisfied. This is the examples of obsession. Where as addiction is a situation where a person depends on something such as alcohol, drugs or even those things that may not seem harmful at first but can cause damage if excessively used.

Obsession is basically fear of something, a person is always concerned about certain things like blindly following superstitions, always thinking of ways to hide themselves or else they will do something shameful or will get insulted by doing something awkward. They constantly overthink over many aspects that seem like normal to everyone else. For example, normally people won’t be affected that much by seeing things out of order but someone who is obsessed with having everything organized in order will not be able to tolerate it for even a second because they are obsessed with having everything organized and in order.

Using social mediafor gratification but still sad

Addiction can be also for many different things. People can get addicted to anything that helps them escape the reality or is some kind of external support to their minds. For example, many students get addicted to coffee or caffeine during exams season because it keeps their mind awake and they can focus more on their studies. Now this routine becomes so strong that even after getting what they want for that specific time, they can’t let go of that habit they developed during this time. This becomes so much difficult later on as your mind starts depending on that specific thins and you start using it excessively which can have a huge impact on their health.

These two terms are so confused with each other that we don’t even try to look for the facts and its impact on our mental health. They both are bad for us but they are treated differently. If we always confuse them, we will never be able to treat them correctly until and unless we get professional help. So, we should have at least this much awareness for such terms that we will not be affected badly with them. We should always try to educate ourselves for such minimal topics to avoid getting in their dangerous aspects. This type of awareness is very important for us, specially in this digital era where we have more exposure to everything, we also have accessibility to any kind of information. So, make sure to have some time to educate yourself for your own good.