Sunday 16 January 2022

Show-Off Culture

Show-Off Culture and Individual's Intentions 

Is this world really adopting show off culture or they are happy with sharing every single thing even private thing to everyone?

Is showing everything to everyone is appropriate?

Does it really make you happy or more conscious about what other might thing about you?

These are the types of questions you might usually ask yourself, others or have listened in some lazy gossips. And you might have not found the right answer.

The phrase "That person is such a show-off" you must had have heard in your life or even said it yourself about others. But internationally or unintentionally we are also doing the same in some way. Likewise, Snobbery is also becoming a part of our lives. We just say things for acknowledgment that we are aware of it but intentionally or unintentionally we are part of it. We brag about a lot of things and always weaving around just to show off that you are involved in breaking stereotypes but in actual you are somehow also part of it. For example, we always brag about being respectful towards your parents an elder, people usually put a lot of pictures of their parents on parents day and bragging about how respectful you shouldn’t be towards them but in actual you are not doing the same what you say. Likewise, people are bragging about child labor on internet, and might they have a 10-year boy or girl coming with their parents to work at your home.

In the same context of show-off, we are doing things which we might not be comfortable with, but we do it to have influence on others perception about you. For example, people buying expensive phone e.g., iPhone. Yes! It's true that buying it might make them happy but unconsciously they think about making other happy of him, acknowledging him etc. Unintentionally but, People like being acknowledged or appraised and they also appraise or Respect those who are strong in position. And this phenomenon leads to people being unsatisfied about themselves all the time. People start caring about other's opinion, perceptions, and appreciation more than their happiness and limits.

Is social media playing a role in normalizing show off?

People looking at phones for likes and comments

We can obviously notice that with passage of time and growing technological era, this culture is becoming a casual thing. But we cannot deny that this never existed people still used to show off at that time when there was no social media or technology, but they would do it by presenting and bragging their things in front of those who would get either jealous or inspired. But it is also true that at that time this was not that much easy or normal. Now, every single person is doing this and not even thinking about that what they are doing. It is becoming a norm to put pictures on your social media accounts about everything you had, where you go, where you are, what you are wearing, what you are feeling not thinking about how some people who are jealous of you are becoming more annoyed by you and the people who are deprived from that luxury are getting into more complex. 

Even some people do charity to show off that they are kind, and this happens mostly in
Hand putting a thumbs up sticker to piggy bank showing donation for likes
politics. This can give you a temporary satisfaction that everyone is praising of what you have but for long run you are destroying your and maybe others mental health. You will always be in a hurry that you have to show this to others as well and worrying about this all the time can become a stress and more importantly you miss a beautiful time or feeling right at moment while sharing with others who don't even care or even jealous of what you have. In other sense you might be doing things you don't actually want to do just to show off. For instance, buying expensive phone that you couldn't afford but you took a loan etc. just to show others about your worth. Likewise, people specially youth get into smoking, drinking alcohol and even drugs just to show off that they are fulfilling the term of being cool. Which is not destroying their physical but mental health. If we see the other side, people who can't afford those things are also being exploited as they are somehow being forced to see what they have and they start being ungrateful of what they have, they are always unsatisfied and in stress.

Has show-off culture only one and bad side?

No, we cannot conclude this as some people are using it for sake of awareness. Some people show their success and success stories so that others can also get inspired and work too. Likewise, some people do show their charity to spread awareness about that class of society who needs this and to motivate others to do the same. Some people might not like sharing about these things to others which is also good but sharing it with the intention of awareness and motivate is best.

Everything has a positive and a negative side. So, it all depends on your intentions of showing off, what you are sharing and how you are sharing.  But there are some limits and privacy that shouldn't be a show-off as it takes away the real beauty of life while you were capturing it to please others.

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Growing up-How it effects our mental health...???


How does the growing up effect our mental health?

Now a days there are many mental health issue that are develop in growing up stages of the children. These mental health issue are neurodevelopment issue, depression, anxiety, stress disorder etc.

At the age 5 to 10 years we think we can to very thing as we are not aware of our surrounding and we set our goal very high when we reach at the age of our teen and we are not able to get any oppurtunities to achieves our goal and sometime the financial condition are not enough to achieve our goal and get the higher education and achieve our goal that thing leave a very deep impact on our mental health because we are not able get what we dream at our early stage of growing up it can also lead to the depression and other mental health issue.

The teenage is very important in growing up stages in this period the emotion of the person is very high and the hormones is very active the chances of getting mental illness in teenage is very high and also they experience very emotional turmoil and to reduce their depression and the anxiety they also can develop the habit o the smoking and the worst case they start getting indulge in the drugs and try to attempt the suicide.

Technology and its effect on the growing age

In recent years the technology is expanding and its effect the every area of our life. Technology change the way of our communication and because of this the world is became a global village but it have many negative impact on the growing stage. The increased in the usage of the screen and the social media in the children and in teens increased the risk of the depression and anxiety as the development of the children is depend on the different factor but they tend to use only the technology at their growing stage which leads to the depression, low-self-esteem and the working in the group form and they are not able to focus on their daily the increase in the time with the technology that decrease the time that we spent on our physical activities that can help us to release our stress and decrease the risk of developing the mental illness issues.

Spoiling children at their growing age and their effect on the mental health

Those parents who spoil their children too much at their growing stage are harmful for children

and as well as the society. They think themselves very superior and they do not acknowledge other in front of themselves and they are often indulge in bullying other in the school that develop the mental illness in those students and they take everything for granted.

Those children who are spoiled too much at their growing stage they depend on others too much which can cause them troubles in the future from which they are not aware and when they start to realize their responsibility and are not able to fulfil them than they are likely to develop the mental issue that is depression ,anxiety etc. They source of happiness is other not themselves because they depend on other too much.

The spoiled child are unable to fulfil their responsibility and unable to understand their limits when to stop they most likely to develop the habit of drinking gambling and other bad habits. They are unmotivated and unhappy with their lives and develops a mental health issues in those children who are spoiled at their growing up stage.

They are very disrespectful to the other and they make fun of everyone which is not good because it will affect the mental health of the other because those children are not considerate to the other because sometime they say many means things to the person it will leave the very deep impact on the person and can cause the development of the mental health issue.

7 Best natural or home remedies for Migraine attacks

Human health is getting more sensitive with every passing year. We are now more triggered toward viruses and diseases than in the past. Though the medical industry has been developed, still we are unable to tackle some issues.

One of the basic and primarily faced is Migraine attacks. Some people even get infected with it, which could turn into a fatal disease.

A migraine attack is a one-sided pain in the head from the back year to the upper eye part. One may get sensitive about moving a single step, light, and sound during a migraine attack. It hurts a lot when you get confronted with any of these things.

However, being a migraine target doesn't mean bearing it. Here are the best natural or home remedies for migraine attacks.

1)      Lavender oil

Lavender Oil

 If you are looking for an instant migraine remedy, there could be no better option than lavender oil. Essential oils have always remained a terrific option for curing different mental issues. Studies have shown that people who face migraine symptoms and attacks can get cured with Lavender oil. What you need to do is just inhale a tiny amount of lavender oil, and it would vanish out in seconds. If you don't find the oil, you can also smell lavender leaves.

2)      Acupuncture


As I said above, medical science has been developed, but still, we use some traditional renewed approaches. Acupuncture is one of the traditional methods for migraine treatment. This is a method in which you are injected with some needles and medicine. You can also search for this whole process. This traditional method attacks specific muscles to get rid of migraine effectively.

3)      Acupressure


The third best practice is acupressure which is actually migraine relief pressure points. It's also a traditional method to apply gentle pressure over specific muscles. Sometimes we face migraine due to some muscle dumbness. It could be removed with some gentle pressure to boost muscles.

Some studies have shown that human muscle treatment should be considered first rather than medication. As our body could do its treatment within minor exercises of muscles. You can search for a complete acupressure procedure if you are also a migraine target.

4)      Diet practices

Healthy Diet

Diet practices cover a more significant part of human health that we usually ignore. People think they are eating costly food from restaurants that won't make them ill. While the fact is totally opposite to it. Even some expensive restaurants use ingredients that could make you easy prey for migraines. Some of these are;

·         Pickled foods

·         Sour yogurt

·         Processed foods

·         Liquid sauces primarily used with fast food

·         Nitrate rich foods

·         Extremely cold foods and drinks


5)      Herbal supplements

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements have always remained the runner-up in the medical industry. Though our people now trust chemically prepared medicines more than herbal medicine, we still have to focus on them. Many herbal supplements like butterbur and feverfew are highly effective in relieving migraines. One may take some prescribed amount of butterbur to thoroughly relieve migraine. Remember that herbal supplements are also highly toxic if not taken with proper prescriptions. So don't be your own doctor. Professional services always mean a lot.

6)      Yoga

Yoga Health Fitness

Yoga is becoming the trend of the century. Many people are relieved from basic diseases with just normal Yoga practices. Yoga can help you open up your muscles and relieve your body of extreme stretches and pains either in the head or back.

Migraine patients can also get treated for their severe pain with Yoga. Nothing special is required, just join Yoga professionals and take some weekly classes. It would change the way you live your life. Along with Yoga, you may need some diet schedules to follow. So, if you want to enjoy a healthy life, think about Yoga first.

7)  Stress management

Stress Management

Stress is increasing in the modern age due to its faster lifespan. People are getting more stressed due to hard-working routines. Thus, stress could be the major issue in developing migraine. The more you are getting addicted to stress, there are more chances to be attacked for migraine.

This is why many Doctors of Psychology suggest having stress management classes. You can also consider yoga, listening to music, having vacations from working routines, and some other things. Once you are freed from stress, you may put an end to severe migraine attacks.


Final verdict

Headache and mental problems are increasing with a higher ratio. People are getting more targeted toward stress, depression, and migraine. But migraine is the pain of all these problems. Therefore, be conscious of this issue. If you are getting more and more attacks thoroughly consult with the doctor. To sum up, a healthy lifestyle is necessary to enjoy health.

Is there any relation between physical health and the mental health..???


Mental health and the physical health is interlinked as if our mental health is not good we are in the depression then will have a long term effect on our physical health because we lost interest in engaging to those activity which we like to do.

In my opinion now a days we only talk about the mental health of a person however mental health is important but our physical health carry an equal importance as our mental health but we neglect our physical health in our daily routine. Our mind and body is one thing these are not separate if we have some physical health issue it can also cause a mental health issue it is not necessary that only mental health issue can cause the physical health issue like if we are not mentally relax it can cause the heart problem anxiety can cause the stomach issue. As the mental health issue can cause the physical health issue physical health issue can also cause the mental health issue like the depression can cause by the headache.

How can we improve our mental and physical health?

We can improve our mental health and physical health by doing some physical activities which help us to keep our mind relax as exercise considered to be an important thing to maintain our mental fitness like workouts , jogging , swimming , cycling ,boxing and dancing etc. These physical activities help us to release our stress and fresh our mind and increase our self-confidence and also these activities can get us into the nature which help us to keep relax which help us to come out from the depression and the anxiety.

We should eat well and take healthy food it can also it will help us in strengthen the physical health and change our mood when our mood is good and we do not take any kind of stress than the percentage of developing the mental illness is reduce in short if we have a good physical health than also we have a great mental health.

Sports and the mental health

Staying active help our mental health it:-

Sports uplift our mood

When we are physically active our brain release different type of chemical and also release the stress we feel more relax and happy we will feel this effect immediately and the additional benefit is that we increase our social circle by positive interaction in sports.

Sports Reduce depression and stress

When we merge ourselves in the fun activities like sports activities we find ourselves totally distracted form the stressors and negative thoughts. When we do physical activities our body release the hormones which are the natural mood booster and help us to fight with the negative thoughts and improve our mental health.

Sports improve our quality sleep

Sports and the physical activities help us to get the quality sleep it help us to fall asleep early and deepen our quality of the sleep. Quality sleep uplift our mood and improve our mental health for the new day.

Keep our mind sharp

Sports help us to improve our concentration. There are many sports like aerobic that help us to increase our concentration level and sharp our mind so we can do critical thinking and do a good judgment that can improve our mental abilities.

Sports increase our self-confidence

As we score the numbers in the field is will give you more than just boost on the field it will strengthen your image and increase our self-confidence and strengthen our self-image as we improve our stamina and the skills day by day.

Sports increase our team building skills

Those who participate in the sports are more likely to develop the team building skills as compare to those who don’t participate in the sports and they adopt the healthy team building mind set in the working place.

Sports improve our state of mind

If we are doing physical activity our mind is relax and also our whole health is much better than who those don’t do any physical activities.

“Are Autism and Mental Health 2 sides of the same coin?”

Is Autism hard to understand that people can’t even distinguish it from Mental Health?

What is Autism?

Neurodivergence; is an umbrella term that covers Autism; a persistent throughout-life neurological disorder that shows its sign in the early years of a child. As most conceptualize, Autism is not a mental health issue but a developmental brain disorder with a spectrum resembling the glorious fleeting rainbow.

Just like computer coding, autism brain understands a different set of coding to do life. An autistic person’s behavior, learning, and interaction differ from neurotypicals.

Fun fact:

Every 1 in 100 is said to be present somewhere on the spectrum, and an even more remarkable thing is the range of their symptoms as no 2 Autistic people show the same traits!

As Dr. Stephen Shore said:

“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.”

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Patterns to Lookout:

The common patterns found in every autistic person are their body language while communicating as they have stilted speech and avoid eye contact. A pattern of repetitive behavior and confined interests can make the diagnosis easy. Their non-proficiency with verbal cues often makes them sidelined by NeurotypicalThey are in a world of their own.” People need to understand autistic peoples’ hardships to maintain cordial relationships.

 Diagnosis and Treatment:

It is usually diagnosed in childhood when the child starts showing pro-autistic signs. A complete check with evaluation tests by the doctor can help in diagnosis and early treatment to maximize the functionality in this no neurodivergent world. This disorder has no cure as no medicine can decode an autistic brain to a neurotypical/normal brain. The treatment and medicines are all according to the specific person and not a one-size-fits-all. They only help in reducing the ASD symptoms and easy development and learning.

Autism is not categorized under Mental health.

Mental disorders affect the way a person thinks, behave and feel like the term itself refers to the well-being of cognitive, psychological, and emotional aspect. It is essential to cater to mental health at every phase of life to prevent its hindrance on ones thinking, behavior and mood. The handling of stress and decision-making can all impact mental health. Lasting contributions range from biological factors and life experiences (trauma or abuse) to family history. To prevent its effect on daily living, relationships, and physical health, recovery is crucial. Help and treatment through therapy, medication, and counseling are available. Stress, depression, and anxiety disrupt day-to-day life. With proper medical intervention and therapy, these conditions can be cured, and one can live life to its fullest.

Autistic people dealing with Mental health:

Autism is NOT a mental health issue; hence autistic people can have a toll on their mental health. With fewer resources and anchors to help develop coping skills, it is more likely for an autistic person to face mental health problems. Due to exposure to more negative life events as they have trouble fitting in the societal “norms,” discriminatory societal behavior, stigma, and incompetence of therapists to adopt the approach of dealing with an autistic person, they have a fair share of disorders like depression, OCD and anxiety. Mental disorders play the role of secondary conditions in widening the autism spectrum even further.

Challenges faced by Autistic people during diagnosis of Mental health disorders:

It is hard to assess mental health with Autism. One reason can be the similarity between autistic traits of trauma presentation and mental health conditions. One such example can be repetitive, as replaying the details on a loop is also symptomatic of anxiety. Amongst the pool of problems they face, the substantial regarding diagnosis faced are;

·       They are not understood or taken seriously by medical professionals.

·       Professionals lack adequate knowledge related to Autism.

·       Are denied mental health services as a direct result of having Autism.

 Loneliness and social isolation contribute significantly to mental and physical illness, leading to suicidal risk. Neurobiology is one factor but the part played by the social environment is huge as well.

The stigma surrounding Autism and Mental Health:  

The amount of stigma attached to Autism in this day and age of awareness is astonishing. People on the autism spectrum still feel like hiding their true inner selves. Mental health has 3 tiers of stigma:

  1. Individual 
  2. Society
  3. Health systems 

Individual stigma includes negative self-doubt based on stereotype acceptance and a sense of disempowerment. Its roots in the lack of knowledge and research on treatments and symptoms at the social and health systems level. Furthermore, the attitude and behavior of healthcare professionals trigger self-stigma. This stigma association causes a delay in coming out and reaching for treatment and access to health services.

How to extend your hand of support to people with Autism?

The best kind of support autistic people can connect with the autistic community. Learning about Autism can help people understand and make interaction easy with autistic people. Always consider the behavior of the person with Autism even when it’s hard, and ask them what help/support they need.

Self Love and Spread Love

How to love yourself even not fitting to Artificial Beauty Standards
A curly haired girl grabbing a paper saying Love yourself.

Beauty standards and their Reality

Skin Surgeon telling a pig that he has done surgery but he will still be a pig.
Many people suffer from anxiety and depression on the things they can't control. And there are somethings they can control but they don't know that they can. In today's world everything is possible, and people think that with money they can do anything just like when people don't like something in their physical appearance, they think that they can change it if they have money. And this is the cause of rising beauty standards day by day and the fun fact is those standards are not even natural or attractive. What makes a person attractive is their character. But in today's world people get attracted to others for their appearance but it's a fact that this attraction has always been proved temporary because for longer run people with you will know your reality who you really are and what your character is.

In the past few years since pandemic people are having more anxiety than usual. Yes! Corona fear was one of the main reasons but low self esteem, self hate, and fear to show up was also a main reason. As many of us got weight or skin issues due to sitting all day and unhealthy eating patterns. And that is absolutely not right because things which are unhealthy for you, can never be justified to intake. But many people became more conscious about themselves and people who have no control over it for example people with certain disease who can't lose, or gain weight become more frustrated, and they lose their confidence. My point here is that if you have control over loosing or gaining weight you should do it for your health but if not then torturing yourself, hating yourself and loosing your confidence just because of these artificial beauty standards is injustice.

Weight is just one variable in these standards. Others are Perfect eyes, cheeks, lips, hair, hands, teeth, skin, and the list go on and it doesn't end. People are physically torturing and tolerating severe pain just to fulfill these standards of being perfect and irony is that when you fulfill it they would say you were better before🤐. Even if they don't say it but what's the point of going through this much pain, emotionally, physically, and financially too as these perfection costs some monetary value too and bring people to footpath😅.

And when people can't afford it, they are always thinking how to get it done as soon as possible, from where can I get this much money. They start assuming that life is going to be perfect when I'll get this done with my appearance. They think that their appearance is the reason of their low confidence and due to this thinking, they lose even more confidence.

But the truth is


Life is never going to be perfect even if you do it, you are never going to be happy even if you look perfect. Appearance has no connection with your happiness that lies only within you. If you are not happy with what you have then you'll never going to be happy with what you are wishing for. The only thing you need to understand is that the person who wants to be attracted to you by your appearance not your character then is that person worth your attention?

First you need to accept yourself the way you are.
Women with skin disease of vitiligo hugging herself.

When you'll accept that it is what it is, and you can not control it even if you have money then you won't be thinking about the solutions all the time to get rid of what you have and get what you don't have. You'll accept that life will be keep going with this and it doesn't matter at all. When you'll accept it, you will stop thinking about others opinion too, you will have more time to work on other things, you'll grow mentally, you'll achieve more things which are worth importance. For example, any goal you have about your career. When you will be accepting that you are just the way you are then you won't waste your time in thinking about it.

Secondly you need to surround yourself with positive people.

Some people appraising a person for winning

Surrounding yourself with people who are positive and optimistic, who appreciate you for your achievements and the character you have, who will help you grow emotionally, mentally and in life as your career as well. Just observe these types of people who are worth your importance and time. Filter them out and avoid those people who are always keep you conscious about your looks and weaknesses. Well, that's not very easy nor very difficult to avoid such type of people because sometimes they are in your family, your colleagues with whom you have to work with so, you simply can never cut them out of your life. But the things you have to do is ignore them, never become too personal in your conversations with them so that they can say something about you and give them a nice shut up call in your own professional way, so they won't utter such things next time.

Third and most important step is to love your self.

After accepting what you are you can even start loving yourself. Just appraise what you have. Ignore the weaknesses. Yes! Obviously work on them but don't let your weaknesses overcome your strengths. Even when nobody is appreciating, appreciate yourself. Don't expect someone to come and tell you that you are beautiful. Not expecting from someone and enjoying your own company is one of the greatest blessings that leads to a healthier life. Just tell yourself that you are beautiful because you are just the way you were meant to be. Treat yourself as the most important person in your life, whose appreciation and opinion are the most important. Give royalty to yourself. Give treats to yourself. Eat healthy for yourself, wear good for your self. Just do what makes YOU happy. Start loving your achievements and the good things you do. Focus on good things and you'll not have time to focus on things you can't control.

A girl doing yoga and focusing on her tasks, goals and achievments.

And lastly spread love.

Some people just love themselves and give importance to themselves so much that they forget about what other people need. You should give importance to yourself but not only to yourself. You should be your priority but not only you. You must take care of the needs of people close to you. When people love themselves, they become a happier version of themselves but those are the people who bring happiness in this world. You must share your happiness with others too in need, you must lead others too to become optimistic. Maybe it can be your love or words that were needed for them to change their life. So, keeping yourself a priority, spread love whenever you get a chance.

Girls hugging each other in affection.

Life is too short to think and waste time on achieving perfection in your appearance that is going to give you nothing but some artificial people who are attracted to your outer beauty who are not worth it and not going to help you grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You must give time to yourself to work on your inner beauty and mental health. Then people who are worth your importance and who want to see you grow and be happy, will be attracted to you.

You are the main source of your happiness so, create your happiness and also become a reason for a smile on others face too as when you are happy, you give a beautiful vibe to others that forces them to get attracted to you.

Saturday 15 January 2022

5 ways to help people with troubling mental health


How can we help people with troubling mental health?

Mental Heealth Matters

It might not be easy for someone with severe mental problems, but it is possible to sort things out for someone going through some severe depression and anxiety.

1. Ask them out

You know someone has poor mental health; ask them out. Ask them what’s disturbing them while maintaining their comfort zone as much as possible. However, explaining your mental state is not that easy to talk out. 

    2. Share a relatable story to console them

         Go for a little practical approach and comfort them while relating any well-known personality’s mental health journey, if you know. Tell them how they overcame it and defeated it with their self-power.

    3. Enlighten them with some easy to do things

      Moreover, enlighten them with some easy-to-do things and indulge them in activities that can have their attention diverted for as long as possible. Make them realize how normal life is by talking about random everyday stuff.

     4. Listen to Them 

      One of the most crucial points is to listen. Listen to them regardless of how much they have to say or how illogical talk it may get. Just give them an ear for as long as they need. Let them burst out stuff so they might feel light.

     5. Expert Advice

     Lastly, if it is not as effective as you thought it would be, make them realize most casually that they need some expert’s advice and refer them to some well-known psychiatrist or any mental health foundation.

Relationships and mental health

Relationship and Mental Health

A common misconception is when people only relate mental health with mental illness, whereas mental health is much more than depression, anxiety, and mental sickness. Mental health is very closely associated with relationships. Mental health also revolves around the well-being and positive state of mind of a human being, which is achieved through healthy relationships.

In support of the given statement, a widespread misinterpretation of the term ‘relationships’ is when relationships only refer to two individuals sharing bonds of love and intimate relation. However, relationships are much more than just this. Relationships like two friends, mother-daughter relations, colleagues sharing the bond of empathy, roommates are all a few examples of such bonds that we may develop and are so close to our heart that when it begins to fall apart, our mental health begins to deteriorate.

Can relations affect mental health?

Ups and downs can be observed in almost every relations. Any relation that a human associate closely with the heart ultimately hurts them when any challenging circumstances are made. The person begins to overthink, their appetite is affected, their sleeping routine gets upset, temporarily aggression can be built within a person, or the person is expected to react furiously to any stimuli.

How can healthy relationships improve mental health?

Research suggests that healthy, supportive, and long-lasting relations cause a person to live longer, healthier and happier. It has been observed that people with healthy relations have lower blood pressure, feel less anxious, are less vulnerable to complexes, and heal quicker than those with troubled relations.  

Engaging with people who listen to your talk with interest causes the person the release stress and helps them to process their emotional state. Similarly, having healthy and productive conversations with others lets the person live a meaningful life. Such positive relations are often why people get motivated to lead a well-balanced life.

Social relationships lead to mental illness

Social relations seem to connect with a person’s well-being closely. Having poor relations solely based on the social platform has long been a critical trigger for affecting mental health in the worst case possible. People tend to rely on connections they make through any social platform. When, due to some reason, they are to face social isolation, their mental health deteriorates to the extent that they no longer can survive without having to pay a visit to a psychologist every week or so. 

How to pursue and foster healthy relations?

Unhealthy relations can quickly trigger mental imbalance, which needs to be settled to live a relaxed, stress-free life. Therefore, it is essential to pursue relationships with food to the soul. To serve the purpose, it is essential to check on the loved ones to be aware of their well-being, make regular plans with family, go out with friends, and have enough time to spend with someone with whom you can speak your heart out.

Mental health has become a renowned treatable disease that needs to be catered to as soon as possible. The more it’s lingered on, the more severe it is expected to get. Work on maintaining healthy relations and connections with your loved ones and with people you encounter daily, be it your colleagues, classmates, boss, or friends.